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Indonesia :: Bali : Amed

Situated on Bali's northeastern coast Amed offers shallow and sheltered slopes teeming with reef fish. However, in 1998, Amed was badly affected by coral-bleaching as a result of El Nino that affected the reef within the bay and down to 10 to 12 meters. Today the reef is recovering well and offers diving conditions more suited to those uncomfortable in the raging currents of the Strait. Ribbon eels and clown triggerfish can be spotted amongst the coral bommies in the sheltered bays here.

Amed also has a number of walls where gorgonians sway in the current and bigger pelagics come to feed. The main eastern reef off Cemeluk curves around a rock outcrop just east of town. There is a drop off to around 50 meters just out of Cemeluk bay where marine life is plentiful and currents are gentle. Lipah Bay lies around 3 kilometers southeast of Cemeluk. There is a small wreck of a steel freighter at 6 to 12 meters encrusted with gorgonians, sponges and black corals, with a lot of glassfish sweeping around. Nice hard coral cover with plenty of anthias and even some pygmy seahorses if you look hard enough.


Depths: 5 - 35m

Viz: 5 - 25m

Currents: Occasional

Getting there : Boat from Amed, 10 minutes.

Best months: Apr to Oct


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