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Malaysia :: Mabul Island

Mabul is located just 25 kilometers north of Sipadan and is used as a base to dive there. Diving at Mabul offers something different to the usual coral reef environment, it is often refered to as a macro heaven. Muck diving is the rage here, this is a term used to describe limited visibility diving at shallow sites usually with a sandy bottom. Muck diving offers the opportinity to observe rare macro critters close up, a photographers paradise. There are a number of similar sites such as the House Reef and Lobster Wall, we have just covered the more popular ones.


Mabul at a glance

Accommodation : Resort

Highlights : Muck diving, macro life.

Average cost of a dive : $40

Dive Sites : 5+

Dive Operators : 5+

Getting there : Boat from Borneo, 30 minutes.

Off Season : None, diving year round.


The map below is interactive so click on the dive site to get more details.

mabul dive sites


sea venture crocodile avenue froggy lair eel garden