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Indonesia :: Lombok

The island of Lombok, located to the east of Bali, offers diving for all experience levels. Most of the dving takes place at the Gili islands to the northwest of Lombok however there are a number of other locations around the island. Marine life is also similar to that found in Bali, conditions in the Lombok Strait can be hairy with those strong currents from the Indonesian Throughflow. The rewarding result is rich underwater biodiversity, during certain times of the year large fish such as sharks, eagle rays, turtles and manta rays also visit the reefs. There is also the chance to see schooling hammerheads at Blongas Bay.


Lombok at a glance

Accommodation : Hotel and Resort

Highlights : Marine diversity, big pelagics, hammerheads.

Average cost of a dive : $30

Dive Sites : 20+

Dive Operators : 8+

Getting there : Flights from Singapore, Bali, Jakarta.

Rainy Season : December to March.


The map below is interactive so click on the dive site to get more details.


gili air gili trawangan gili meno senggigi blongas bay